Healthy conflict

Dear friends, Yesterday the boyfriend and I were watching a film on our giant screen (we were given a projector for our house warming party, best gift ever). It was a good film, somewhat bloody and gory, but also a moving love story between two lost teens (it’s called « Bones and all » ifContinue reading “Healthy conflict”

The Controversial Topic of Nonalcoholic Drinks

Hi friends, I’ve been sober for over a year, and I’m fortunate that cravings very rarely hit me now. I barely think about drinking anymore, unless some new or triggering situation comes up, in which case I generally know what to do and have tools to navigate the whole thing. But yesterday, a new situationContinue reading “The Controversial Topic of Nonalcoholic Drinks”

Day 275: 9 months! No celebration after all…

I was planning on writing an uplifting and victorious 9 months post, but as usual, reality has a talent for kicking you in the ass whenever you have set expectations.  Today on the East Coast of the U.S.A. the weather is stormy. Grey and stuffy, hot, humid, irritating. I am not a fan of complainingContinue reading “Day 275: 9 months! No celebration after all…”

Day 200: Shrooms and quarantine ?!!

Yep, you heard me. But first, I would like to make a clear disclaimer: Most of them are illegal, and for a reason. MANY of them will lead to addictive, self-destructive and sometimes deadly situations. As for the special class of Psychedelics, they can be dangerous if taken unsafely and without preparation, and can provideContinue reading “Day 200: Shrooms and quarantine ?!!”

Day 177: Will alcoholism kill my mom?

As I approach the 6 month mark, I am faced with a difficult piece of news. Last week I found out that my mother (a heavy alcoholic since as far back as I can remember) has recently developed alcohol induced hepatitis, or as she puts it… her liver is “very tired”. This is how IContinue reading “Day 177: Will alcoholism kill my mom?”

Day 140: Strength and fragility

Dearest WordPress friends,  My apologies for such a long absence. It’s not that I forgot about you or think I have this sobriety thing all figured out (oooooooh no…. believe me, I ain’t got nothing figured out !). It’s just that my dissertation chapter that was due on December 16th is STILL NOT FINISHED andContinue reading “Day 140: Strength and fragility”

Day 105: Survived “Family of alcoholics” gathering :)

Wow. I feel almost guilty for the title of this post, but I’m not going to sugar-coat my feelings so as to not upset my introjected parental figures, that would be insane ! 🙂  (I don’t think my real parents will ever read this blog) Anyway…. I made it ! My first family event sinceContinue reading “Day 105: Survived “Family of alcoholics” gathering :)”

Day 104: Paris, Paris, Paris!

Ah, the City of Lights, my old home. I landed yesterday and spent most of the day sleeping after a 15 hour flight (I took 3 different planes!). After years of living abroad and going back and forth across the globe I don’t know where my home is anymore. I have grown used to sayingContinue reading “Day 104: Paris, Paris, Paris!”

Day 97: Far from perfect! -Bye bye ego, hello shame!

These days I am under tremendous pressure work-wise: the third chapter of my PhD is due at the end of the week and I am nowhere near finished. This means I am putting in 10 hour long days, while battling very intense feelings of anxiety and discouragement, which (NO WORRIES!) is just part of theContinue reading “Day 97: Far from perfect! -Bye bye ego, hello shame!”

Day 94: Sober “work party” anniversary !

As I buckle up to face the holiday cravings and fears (yay my first Sober Xmas!!), here is a quick post to mention a “big” change that I hadn’t suspected and really surprised me this week. Three months ago, almost day for day, I flew back from France to the U.S.A, ready to take onContinue reading “Day 94: Sober “work party” anniversary !”

Dandelion Wishes

Wishing on dandelions for better days.

Mental Health @ Home

A safe place to talk openly about mental health & illness

Stel Coombe-Heath: Binge and emotional eating recovery specialist

Life is too short to feel guilty for what you ate.

My Recovery Journal

My attempt at recovering from depression, addiction and an eating disorder

Paths to Recovery After Abuse and Trauma

Helping People Find Their Paths to Recovery and Beyond

Recovery And Spirituality

Musings on Life, Love, Consciousness, Toxic Masculinity, Toxic Religion, The Sacred and The Profane

From Famine to Feast.

Living life with mental illness. Living life post-eating disorder. Living life.

Living Life Recovery

Recovery is about learning to love life.

Sober Since Covid

Traversing Sobriety: Tales, Tips, and Tricks

The No Wine Shine

The ups downs and rounds and rounds of going alcohol free

Without the whine

Exploring the heart of what matters most

Laura Parrott Perry

We've all got a story to tell.

Moderately Sober

Finding my contented self the sober way

Wine to Water

Life Giving over Life Taking


Be dedicated...................... Blog for free debate and dialogue in the affairs of society, family and people

New Beginnings

My Journey to Staying Sober.

100 Days to Sparkle

Aiming for 100 continuous days of sobriety in order to reclaim my sparkle 


Never settle. Don't even think about it.

Alcoholism Recovery Blog

Ron Tamir Nehr

Self Empowerment & Business Coaching

Simplify Tasks

Want to learn the simple way?

Wake up!

Operation Get A Life

Stacking the Bones

The journey of self-healing through yoga, meditation, and writing-it-out.

To Write or not to Write and What to Write

#shortstories #thoughts #reflections

Drunky Drunk Girl

A blog about getting sober

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

Roaming & Recording Yogi

roaming around the world and recording it all along the way

Ditching the Wine

Getting myself sober; the ups and downs

A Multitude of Musings

On the Way to Wholeness

Wise & Shine

We exist to help people understand themselves.


Just a gal trying to get sober


my life without alcohol


Trying to ace sober living

Emotional Sobriety Means Healing Mind, Body, and Soul

Healing from Your Childhood is the Only Way to be Emotionally Free. Growing Up in a Home Controlled by Addiction/Mental Illness Causes Childhood Trauma. Healing from Your Childhood Takes a Lifetime.

The SMILF Diaries

Fueled by redbull and crude humor